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Documentation on documentation

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Adding a new device

  1. Create a markdown file with the extension .md in docs/_devices/.

  2. Add an image of the device and place it under docs/_assets/images.

  3. Copy and paste the following template into the markdown file. Fill in the relevant information.

  - property: EXAMPLE
    note: EXAMPLE
  - name: EXAMPLE
    url: EXAMPLE

  • Every instance of EXAMPLE is a place filler and is intended to be removed or placed with relevant information.
  • While the file ends in md and is treated as markdown, the syntax between the start and end --- is YAML (explained here)
  • broadcasted_properties, broadcasted_property_notes and notes are arrays.
  • manufacturer, name , model, image and at least one broadcasted_properties are required.
  • broadcast_rate, active_scan and encryption_key are “truthy” values and will appear for value other than false or nil.
  • broadcasted_property_notes is a key/value array intended to provide addition information for individual properties. property must match a value in broadcasted_properties.
  • custom_firmware is a key/value array where name is the name of the link and url is the url of the firmware.
  1. When the theme is regenerated, the new device should appear in the relative “Supported Devices”.

Local development

The quickest and easiest way to serve the site locally is to use

cd docs

docker run --rm  -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd):/site bretfisher/jekyll-serve

When plugin installation is complete, open a browser to

Notes about theme being used.

  • Values are displayed through the device HTML template, docs/_includes/device.html
  • Additional notes can be added below the block of properties.
  • Additional properties can be added as needed. Simply add to the property to each device markdown file and display it accordingly in the template.
  • physical_description, broadcast_rate, active_scan, encryption_key, custom_firmware are hidden when the value is false.

A few modifications were make to the standard navigation found in the Just-the-docs theme. This is to show the child pages under “Supported Devices” at all times.